Montgomery Store Bluegrass Jam

The Montgomery Store Bluegrass Jam takes place Every Friday evening year-round 7-9pm.
Montgomery Friday Night Jam

Friday Night Bluegrass included Special Guest Former Bluegrass Boy, banjoist Bobby Atkins on left behind Elmer Edwards.

Multiple Grammy Award Winners Mark O’Connor & Maggie O’Connor.
Check out more on The O’Connor Band featuring Mark O’Connor!
The Montgomery Store Bluegrass Jam has been a major music event in the community for almost two decades. Musicians from all over the region gather at the old 1840 general store every Friday evening. They come to swap tunes, compare instruments, and entertain those who love to listen to Traditional Bluegrass and Old Time music. Some musicians drive an hour or two hours to attend.
During Spring and Summer so many musicians show up that the music often spreads out onto the wooden sidewalks. It brings a festival-like atmosphere to the otherwise quiet little town. In Fall and Winter the store’s old Pot-bellied wood stove is fired up. It keeps the place toasty and warm. Folks love the nostalgic charm of the old general store which was one of the first restoration efforts in the nineteenth century gold mining boom town.
The store is the original Ice Cream Shoppe with Hand-dipped cones, cups, shakes, floats and sundaes served in Waffle Cones & Waffle Bowls and regular Cake Cones. Be sure to try the famous Gold Rush Salty Carmel Sundae!!
See more on the store hours here
Facebook: Vivian Pennington-Hopkins
Facebook: E.H. Montgomery General Store
Instagram: vphopkins
Phone: 704-267-9439