We hope you will consider becoming a member of the Historic Gold Hill and Mines Foundation, Inc.
Our Annual Membership Meeting is always held on the first Monday of February each year. We invite members and non-members to attend the meeting. If you’re not a member you might enjoy meeting others who have a keen interest in the promotion and preservation of the history and cultural of this truely awesome and authentic historic community.
We rely on memberships and private donations for the upkeep and maintenance of Gold Hill Mines Historic Park.
All memberships and donations are Tax Deductible to the extent of the law.
Membership Levels include:
Lifetime $1000 & up
Corporate $500
Gold Miner $250 – $499
Prospector $125 – $249
Business $100 & up
Sustaining $50 – $124
Family $35
Individual $20

We would love to hear from you!
Our Postmaster is always keeping up with the latest news and making sure our deliveries are on time!!
Send Your Membership Payment To:
Historic Gold Hill and Mines Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 206, Gold Hill, North Carolina 289071
Support The Historic Gold Hill and Mines Foundation, Inc.
Bicentennial T-Shirts are Available $20
Commemorative Bicentennial Coin $10
Shirts and coins can be purchased at E.H. Montgomery General Store
(Call for more info for more info 704.267.9439)